Sunday, November 3, 2013



Before the Brown Vs. Board of Education trial, all schools were segregated. Some people thought that this was completely ok, and others thought the opposite. After reading the article by Bob Herbert, and the videos from Tim Wise, i learned that many of the things that happened back when this trial began also is continuing to happen in today’s time period.

Back when this trial began, people of color had to fight for being able to have schools and had to fight to even get supplies as stated on the website of historical backgrounds of this case. This relates to today’s time period because in the article it mentions how even in today’s schools the poor schools do not have the supplies and they do not have the resources that the “white” schools as someone would say have more. I feel like it is so unfair. It’s not right that just because there are wealthier areas in this country they should have better schools. It’s not that town or cities fault and the kids should not have this taken out on them because they do not have the funding. It mentions in the video that the ones that do not see this as a problem are the ones who are not living on the rougher side of this. More the whites and the rich.

Also things that have no changed from the Brown vs. Board of Education case is that there has always been “denial”. For instance in the video it mentions that white honestly do not think that there is a problem with how much better they get treated. In the trial whites did not think that there was a problem that other minorities did not have what they did. We are still in denial today. In the video it mentions how 2/3 of whites think that blacks are treated equally as them when it comes to education, housing, and employment. Honestly cannot say I am one of these people. Going to my service learning alone makes me realize that I am more privileged.

This country has a lot of work to do if we ever want to stop racism and become a better place. Honestly what does it matter the color of skin. It doesn’t. we are all human so who cares if someone has a darker tint, I guess it is something that I will never truly understand.  I feel like it all goes back to the article by Peggy McIntosh White Privilege, because although white people do not see it they always get the upper hand in almost every situation and this needs to change. It should not matter if you go to a commuter school and are black like the video says, if you want to be president because a white person could do that and it would be the opposite. Once again everyone needs to realize we are all human.
TALKING POINTS- I feel like people talk about change and it never happens. If only there was a way that we could actually make a change when it comes to situations like this because it actually does bother me that there are still race issues in 2013. WE ARE ALL HUMAN.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jaclyn,
    One thing I can say from reading your blog is that we are still segregated in one way shape or another. Though is isn't as visual as it was during mid-1900's, we are still kept in a perimeter whether it be through the neighborhoods we live in and frequent, to our education system. Thank you for sharing.

